Monday, June 30, 2014

Why feminism matters

Bare with me; I am about to say a bad word.  I am very sorry but I feel the need to mention the "f" word.  I am going to talk about "feminism".  I also have some bad news for many people.  "Feminism" is not a bad word.  I know that many people think that it's an insult.  In fact, calling somebody a "feminist" is quite a compliment.  Now I'm going to discuss why feminism still matters.

First off, there's one thing that has always confused me.  Why does the GOP care so much about everybody's sex lives?  That seems to be all they truly care about.  Please get out of our bedrooms

Having said that, feminism still matters.  It matters because certain corporations don't want their insurance to cover birth control.  However, Viagra and vasectomies are covered.

It matters because women that use birth control are being called "sluts" and "whores" by many people on the conservative side.

It matters because everybody who might not be able to afford birth control are being painted with a broad brush.  I am sorry but you don't know their particular back stories.  You do not know what is going on in their lives.

It matters because the ONLY people in the Supreme Court who voted for this are MEN!!!!

It matters because women have the right to make choices about their bodies

It matters because women who are walking into Planned Parenthood (which could be for a variety of reasons) are being harassed as they walk in.

It matters because people who work for Planned Parenthood have to fear for their safety all day long.

It matters because women have to be careful when they're by themselves.

It matters because women still get cat calls when they walk down the street.

These are just a few reasons why feminism still matters.

 It saddens and sickens me how many people in the GOP are downright mean and extremely rude when these rulings come out.  It seems to me that there is so much name-calling; they seem to go back to grade-school maturity.  I know that not all do this.  However, many do!!

If somebody calls you a feminist, please don't worry.  They are giving you a compliment.  They are saying that you want women to have equal rights  They are saying that you don't believe women are inferior  They are saying that you love equality!!!

Having said all this, I want you to remember...


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