Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's Their Fault!!!

Whereever you go, you will find people that are passionate about their sports teams.  People love sports.  Nothing can rile a group of people up quite like their team losing or the opponent acting like jerks.  Sports is one thing that can bring people together.  You might find yourself hugging somebody that you wouldn't have even talked to in a million years.  When your team wins, that just makes it that much better.  You love everybody (as long as their sporting your team's colors).

However, sometimes your team might LOSE!!!

When your team loses, you must always find a scapegoat.  That is the number 1 rule.  Never, and I repeat, NEVER say that the opponent was the better team (for that one game)  It has to be my fault, for instance.  I wore the same shirt every game we won.  This game I decided to wear a different shirt.  Stupid me!!!.    Or, how dare you not eat your regular pre-game meal.  You usually eat 2 bowls of cereal.  This time, you ate one.  You're the reason we lost.  Sometimes, the reason is closer to the action.  If it wasn't for that one play (out of 100), we would have won. 

However, the biggest and best scapegoats in the world are the referees.  If you haven't mastered the art of blaming a referee, then you are not a true sports fans.  Forget the fact that there are always bad calls for both teams.  Forget the fact that they missed that call that went in my team's favor.

MY TEAM LOST!!!!    IT"S THE REFS' FAULT!!   THOSE REFS WANTED US TO LOSE!!!   (yelling this is done best when you slam your hand on a table while stomping like a child who didn't get his way)

Of course, the bad calls that go in your favor become cheers of  "good defense" or "awesome block".  However, it's best to ignore the fact that that "awesome block" may have been your player giving the opponent a high-five (while missing the ball completely) or the "good defense" was your player doing his best attempt at a mugging!! 

None of that matters.  The refs were the reason we lost!!    


Another thing to remember to be a fan is that every referee is out to get you and your team.  They have dreams about how to mess up your team's goal of being champions.  They will do everything in their power to make your team lose.  Your team is ALWAYS playing 5 on 8!!   It's HARD to beat your opponent and the officials also.  However, that's your team's cross to bare. 

Are you a real fan? 

Then it's time to find your scapegoat!!!